RTS 27 - Citi MiFID II Execution Venue Quality Reports for Systematic Internalisers and Liquidity Providers

Art. 27 (3) of Directive 2014/65/EU of MiFID II requires that each execution venue makes available to the public, without any charges, data relating to the quality of execution of transactions on that venue. Periodic reports (Quarterly RTS 27 Reports) shall include details about price, costs, speed and likelihood of execution for individual financial instruments.

To simplify access and aid downloading of the Quarterly RTS27 Reports available on this page please read the Citi Markets' MiFID II RTS 27 Report Schema document below.

Citi MSS RTS 27 Report Schema - overview of the structure, format and content of the RTS27 reports on this site

The reports on this site have been produced based upon data available.
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